The Letera method unleashes the parallel distributed processing power of your brain and help you acquire language and learn words fast.

On the Letera platform, users are given *comprehensible inputs* (texts & audio) that are customized to their interests and level. They may encounter new words during comprehension.


As shown in the screenshot, “hébergements” is a new word ****to the learner. They can then click at that word to save it to “my words”. Note that clicking at the sentence also leads to the translation of the sentence.

Subsequently, they can navigate to “my words” or simply click the word at the bottom of the learning page to see their Wordcard.


The Wordcard as shown in the screenshot below which gives the translation, the pronunciation, the explanation of the word in that very language, 3 examples sentences, an array of related words, and an image capturing the semantics of that word.


The learning of a word is simply the multi-modal entrenchment of that word in people’s hyperdimensional language memory space (Goldberg, 2019). Through the variable contexts of the example sentences, and the visual information captured in the image, Letera Wordcard leads to better entrenchment of the word in the learners brain.

Go to and start learning now.


Goldberg, A. (2019) Explain me this: Creativity, competition, and the partial productivity of constructions. Princeton: Princeton University Press.